Minggu, 18 September 2011


“Yogyakarta State University on the move toward World Class University”
By Marsigit
Reviewed by Khilmi Nur Ma’rifah
Demands of the professional teacher qualification requirements YSU education S1 is an opportunity for continuing education programs for the study (MCC) for teachers who have not education S1. The development of science and technology are very rapid and the demands of an increasingly high graduates is a serious threat of competition coupled with other universities, including education providers from abroad who also produces prospective teachers. In addition, as the implications of PP. 74 Year 2008 on the Teachers, college non LPTKs also have the authority to conduct teacher education. If not able to optimize resources and efficiency of governance to take advantage of existing opportunities, YSU will find it difficult to compete with other providers of other educational personnel.
State University of Yogyakarta leading international universities can be given meaning through 2 (two) approaches think that is a formal approach and substantive approach. YSU formal approach to position in social life among many universities in Indonesia, interactions among the universities in the world, and particularly the role as a former LPTKs YSU. YSU main task is to print the educational staff and develop science teacher education.
Perspective of the global era not only penetrated the field of education alone but has been reaching out to all aspects of life. In the midst of euphoria to the international level, YSU exposed to 2 (two) phenomenon that spans the two sides / ends that have not synergistic. First, YSU have an obligation to support government policy to develop the schools SBI / RSBI, and thus it should also take steps YSU towards an international university. Second, YSU presented to the various criteria for ranking universities of the world, and reality is still far from YSU ranked. In Indonesia, there were only 4 (four) universities are able to rank below the 500 universities in the world. Meanwhile, a growing perception both nationally and globally, is continuously reposition the term "rank" as the only perspective to see an international university.
In a pioneering effort towards WCU YSU, we must not lose our identity. We must use the potential and depart from the culture or our culture ", according to his directions. So substantively, stub to an international university is the responsibility and the needs of all civitas YSU, at all levels, institutions, faculty, students and employees. Whatever and whatever position YSU then is an absolute necessity to start a pilot to conduct an international university. Scrolling of the team's pre-eminent developer of the programs, then in 2007 established the Task Force WCU to develop and implement programs WCU years 2008-2012.
Five-year program and annual program developed WCU and implemented in a canoe to reach the goal medium and short term. WCU programs developed as follows:
a. Development of International Standard Prodi
Activities include establishment of criteria for benchmarking and dissemination of reference of international study program, mapping and establishment of international standards in environment and prepare a Strategic Plan YSU Prodi development of international standard
b. International Standard Curriculum
Activities include an international-standard curriculum benchmarking, preparation of the guidelines of international curriculum development at university level, signs international university-level curriculum development, curriculum and syllabus documents publishing courses of international standard, and monitoring and evaluation implementation of international-standard curriculum Prodi.
c. International standard teaching and learning process
Activities include preparation of international-standard classroom setting guidelines, preparation of implementation plans guide the learning of international standard, guide the preparation of student mentoring students, Practical Guide on college preparation, preparation of management guidelines and the classroom learning environment of effective and efficient, the preparation of a standard instrument for evaluating teaching and learning process in each program of study, preparation of guidelines and bureau / unit guidance counseling service learning, training lecturers for developing models and methods international standard learning, English language training for lecturers International Class: TOEFL, IELTS, Academic Skill writing, providing a variety of instructional media, dispatch of lecturers to the world of business and industry, the utilization of professionals from the world of business and industry to teach at the university.
d. Assessment of Learning Outcomes International Standard
assessment of student learning outcomes of international class to achieve accountability WCU
e. Teaching Material and Learning Resources International Standard
Activities include the preparation of the Handbook Lecturer for the course in an international study program, the preparation of Student Handbook for the course on an international study program, doubling / purchase English-language reference book to hold faculty and students for the course in an international study program
f. Qualified Lecturer International Development
Activities include the preparation guide faculty development, preparation of maps and areas of expertise of faculty development, training of foreign language / English for lecturers, lecturers delivery internships abroad, faculty empowerment College alumni overseas, sending lecturers overseas leave, and delivery of studies lecturer go abroad

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