Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

 How to Developing the Design of Innovative Teaching Learning?

Learning is an active activity students to construct knowledge. Students themselves are responsible for the events of learning and learning outcomes. Students themselves who do reasoning through experience and integrate it with what is already known.
Prefer learning problem solving, developing the concept, rather than memorizing procedures and using it to obtain a correct answer. More learning activities characterized by experimentation, the questions and the models generated by the students themselves.
Teacher as the person most responsible for the child must have an attitude to creative and innovative. Students need a teacher who can guide him reach adulthood and discover the true identity of the student. Students should not always depend on the teacher in learning. It is necessary to exercise the independence and creativity of the student if he had plunged in the community.

In innovative method, we change from the situation "teachers teach" to the situation of "the children learn". Nature of the child who always wants to know should be best utilized for education. Organizing the school not to teach but to our children learn. The teacher is the person who is facilitated child's learning process. He put the children to the center of learning, helping and encouraging children to learn, how to phrase questions, how to discuss and find answers to problems.
In general, there are five basic principles that need to be considered, namely (1) put the issues relevant to the needs of students, (2) develop learning around primary concepts, (3) the views of students, (4) adapt to the needs of the learning materials students, (5) assess contextual learning.
If we can harness the natural experiences of the child to develop the mathematical concepts of number, measurement and objects, in addition to maintaining the required skills, then the kids will like math because it is relevant in everyday life. They will realize the usefulness and beauty of mathematics because they can be used as a communication tool of thinking. Activities in mathematics can be used by almost all activities, whether it is social science, music or other lessons.
In innovative mathematics teaching success or failure is determined by several factors: a) Selecting students, for students of different abilities despite its age the same, b) Curriculum is good, c) Way of teaching, because teachers are factors that greatly determine the success of students in addition to master the methods of teaching and teachers also need to have a broad mastery of the field, d) guidance and counseling is better, and e.) evaluation of learning outcomes better.
Innovative teachers who have the following characteristics.
1.      Students appreciate the autonomy and initiative
2.      Give priority to the performance of students in the form of classifying, analiyze, predict, and creative in doing their jobs.
3.      Include the responses of students in learning and teaching strategies to change the model or in accordance with the characteristics of the subject matter.
4.      Explores students' understanding of the concepts that will be studied before sharing his understanding of these concepts.
5.      Provide opportunities for students to discuss with other students.
6.      Encourage students to question the attitude of open inquiry that requires them to think critically and discuss among friends.
7.      Provide ample opportunities to students in thinking about and working on tasks.
8.      Foster students' curiosity through the use of a variety of learning models.

The characteristics innovative mathematics, namely:
1.      Prefer the notion of innovative mathematics to numeracy skills and memorizing
2.      Prefer the use of innovative mathematical language and terms that are more appropriate
3.      Stresses of innovative mathematics to study the structure of mathematics as a whole
Role of Teachers in Learning
Ability to be possessed by the teacher in the learning of them have the taste and the ability to collect and analyze data, has the ability to help student understanding, have the ability to speed up the true creativity of students, and has the ability to work cooperatively with others. The teachers are expected to lifelong learning in tune with the knowledge they need to support the work and the challenges and progress of science and technology.
Teachers are not required to have all the knowledge, but should have sufficient knowledge in accordance with what they need, which acquired it, and how to interpret it. In addition to the mastery of the material, teachers are also required to have a model or a diversity of learning strategies because there is no single model of learning that can be used to achieve the goal of learning from a variety of topics.
If the concept of learning is understood by teachers, the design effort of learning rather than a burden, but a challenging job. Tasks as facilitator is relatively more severe than just a learning transmitter. Teacher as the facilitator will have direct consequences as a scaffold, model, coach, and mentor.
In addition, as a facilitator, more specifically the role of teacher in learning is as expert Learners, as manager, and as a mediator. As an expert Learners, teachers are expected to have a deep understanding of learning materials, provide sufficient time for students, providing the problem and alternative solutions, monitoring the process of teaching and learning, it is difficult to change strategies when students reach the goal.
As a manager, a teacher is obliged to monitor students' learning outcomes and the problems facing them, monitor classroom discipline and interpersonal relationships, and monitor the correct use of time in completing the task.
As a mediator, the teacher guides the students develop a positive attitude toward learning, concentration, linking new information with prior knowledge. Engage students throughout the course. Technology is used to engage students in learning, not just for accessing content but for interacting with other students or with the course content: learner support and resources, instructional design, assessment and evaluation of student learning.
Examples of innovative learning models, namely: models reasoning and problem solving, inquiry training models, and models of group investigation. Multimedia elements can help to learning process. Range of media formats are used to address varied learning styles. Examples: tutorials with Screen Captures and voice over, audio clips, graphics, video clips, PowerPoint presentations, learning objects, simulations or interactivities.

In innovative method, we change from the situation "teachers teach" to the situation of "the children learn". Nature of the child who always wants to know should be best utilized for education. Organizing the school not to teach but to our children learn. The teacher is the person who is facilitated child's learning process. He put the children to the center of learning, helping and encouraging children to learn, how to phrase questions, how to discuss and find answers to problems.
Examples of innovative learning models, namely: models reasoning and problem solving, inquiry training models, and models of group investigation. Multimedia elements can help to learning process. Range of media formats are used to address varied learning styles. Examples: tutorials with Screen Captures and voice over, audio clips, graphics, video clips, PowerPoint presentations, learning objects, simulations or interactivities.

I Wayan Santyasa. Innovative Learning Models. Department of Physics Education FPMIPA: Ganesha Education University.

Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Should We use the Innovative Teaching Learning of Mathematics?

Teacher as the person most responsible for the child must have an attitude to creative and innovative. Students need a teacher who can guide him reach adulthood and discover the true identity of the student. Students should not always depend on the teacher in learning. It is necessary to exercise the independence and creativity of the student if he had plunged in the community.
Traditional Learning Mathematics
In the traditional mathematics, learning more emphasis on memorization of terms, emphasizing how something is calculated rather than why something is counted thus, prefer to train the brain rather than usability, language / terminology and symbols used are not clear, the sequence of operations must be accepted without a reason, and so forth.
In traditional math, teacher dominated learning in the classroom and always respond 'immediately' to the questions of students. Teachers to teach science, while students have to sit neatly listen, mimic the patterns of a given teacher, the teacher modeled how to solve problems. Pupils act passive.
Students who can best imitate the ways given by the teacher that's what learning is considered successful. The students are generally less given the opportunity to initiate, seek their own answers, formulate arguments. The students are generally confronted with the question "how to solve the problem" but rather to "why we can take steps so". In the traditional mathematical methods, more oriented to the "world teacher". Good teachers are teachers who can teach "the program is still very well.
Innovative Learning Mathematics
Changes to the traditional math program in the methods of modern mathematics is taught. Attention to modern methods of teaching mathematics student interests, student abilities, discover their own methods must be considered.
In innovative method, we change from the situation "teachers teach" to the situation of "the children learn". Nature of the child who always wants to know should be best utilized for education. Organizing the school not to teach but to our children learn. The teacher is the person who is facilitated child's learning process. He put the children to the center of learning, helping and encouraging children to learn, how to phrase questions, how to discuss and find answers to problems.
If we can harness the natural experiences of the child to develop the mathematical concepts of number, measurement and objects, in addition to maintaining the required skills, then the kids will like math because it is relevant in everyday life. They will realize the usefulness and beauty of mathematics because they can be used as a communication tool of thinking. Activities in mathematics can be used by almost all activities, whether it is social science, music or other lessons.
The purpose of modern mathematics teaching for students to learn to participate actively and creatively, that is:
1.      That students are given the opportunity to think freely
2.      So that students are given the opportunity to search for rules, patterns and relations that are part of the important and essential in modern mathematics. Rules, patterns and relationships that exist not only applies to natural and man-made but in the universe.
3.      So that students acquire the skills exercises are necessary.
In the teaching of modern mathematics teaching success or failure is determined by several factors: a) Selecting students, for students of different abilities despite its age the same, b) Curriculum is good, c) Way of teaching, because teachers are factors that greatly determine the success of students in addition to master the methods of teaching and teachers also need to have a broad mastery of the field, d) guidance and counseling is better, and e.) evaluation of learning outcomes better.
Material in a modern mathematical approach is deductive mathematics. In mathematics, the approach is an approach to the presentation of material deductive of materials that are common to the specific nature of the material. Inductive approach is the approach of the things that are specific to matters of a general nature.
In modern mathematical precision of language are concerned. For example, the term "equal" is distinguished from the "congruent" example: "an equilateral triangle has three sides of the same", in modern mathematics is: "a triangle has three sides are congruent". Other terms that need to be disciplined as "wide area". In the old mathematics (numeracy) area is often said to be "broad triangle". More precise is the triangle area.

The characteristics modern mathematics, namely:
1.      Prefer the notion of modern mathematics to numeracy skills and memorizing
2.      Prefer the use of modern mathematical language and terms that are more appropriate
3.      Stresses of modern mathematics to study the structure of mathematics as a whole
There are some differences between traditional mathematics with innovative math
The World
Traditional (ancient)
Innovative (in accordance with the times)
Mathematics is a thing apart from the real world (abstract)
Mathematics is the student himself
Teacher is teaching
Student is learning
TIU, TIK, change behaviorism
Curriculum: syllabi, lesson plan, student worksheet
Teacher as implementor
Teacher as developer
Teacher as controller
Teacher as facilitator
Student: empty vessell
Student: seed, who is growing