Kamis, 29 September 2011


By Marsigit
Reviewed by Khilmi Nur Ma’rifah
Most of the mathematics teacher is still learning to implement traditional mathematics, namely the learning of mathematics with expository relying on a single method with the cycle: explaining, giving examples, ask questions and give the task in the classical style.
at every level of mathematics learning should be a vehicle for teachers to be able to realize the selection of one or several methods are dynamic and flexible: (1) Description method, (2) Method of Discussion, (3) Method of Exercise and Granting Duty, (4) Method of discovery, (5) Method Problem Solving, (6) The use of this action research Viewer Tool confine himself within the scope of the teacher's teaching style is reflected by the learning model developed in a particular class at a given time period as well. Thus the learning context is fixed is the classroom, students and teachers themselves, while learning context that is changing is the model of learning, teaching styles and learning other aspects including materials, teaching resources, the implementation time of learning.
Development of mathematical models of learning through action research to overcome the difficulties of service of teachers to give students a positive impact, but in actual experience obstacles both technical, academic, and socio-cultural.
Teachers can make efforts to increase learning mathematics through the development of ways / methods to meet the various needs / demands of academic students, encourage students to learn actively, encourage students to learn to cooperate, and try to start a learning tool developed using technology modern.
In developing methods of learning, the teacher suggested:
• planning a mathematics learning environment
• plan mathematical activities
• develop the role of teacher
• set the time to whom and when to perform activities mathematics together / not together students
• observe student activities
• evaluate yourself
• assess understanding, processes, skills, facts and results
• assess the results and monitor student progress

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