Senin, 21 November 2011

The Effort to Increase the Student’s Motivation in Mathematics Learning with Some Teaching Aids in Junior High School 5 Wates, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

The Effort to Increase the Student’s Motivation
in Mathematics Learning with Some Teaching Aids
in Junior High School 5 Wates, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
By Marsigit
Reviewewd by Khilmi Nur Ma’rifah
Salah satu upaya guru dalam meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika di Sekolah Menengah Pertama adalah dengan membuat proses belajar matematika menjadi menyenangkan. Penggunaan beberapa alat bantu pengajaran dan alat untuk demonstrasi
diharapkan dapat membantu proses abstraksi siswa, yang meliputi
kesulitan siswa dalam belajar.
Penelitian dilakukan di kelas 2 di SMP 5 Wates, Kulon Progo Yogyakarta, Indonesia tahun akademik 2001/2002. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah untuk memilih dan menggunakan alat bantu mengajar, yang digunakan sebagai model pembelajaran dalam belajar mengajar matematika melalui penelitian tindakan kelas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memilih dan menggunakan alat bantu pengajaran yang digunakan sebagai model pembelajaran matematika untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penelitian tindakan dengan menggunakan beberapa alat
bantu seperti kartu bermain, kertas simpul,
transparansi kertas, benang sipat, tiga bilah kayu dapat digunakan sebagai model dalam proses belajar mengajar matematika untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam belajar matematika. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa keaktifan siswa dalam melakukan worksheet meningkat pada sesi jawaban-pertanyaan dan diskusi dan juga terjadi ketika mereka berada di luar kelas.
Keberhasilan proses belajar mengajar matematika dipengaruhi peran guru sebagai informator, komunikator, dan fasilitator. Metode mengajar yang digunakan oleh guru sebaiknya dapat meningkatkan interaksi antara guru, siswa, dan prestasi belajar siswa. Sampai sekarang, kita masih mendengar banyak siswa yang mengeluh bahwa matematika dipandang sebagai subjek menakutkan, tidak menarik, dan sulit untuk dilakukan, juga tidak terkait banyak kebutuhan sehari-hari. Hal ini dibuktikan oleh nilai dari Ujian Nasional, yang masih lebih rendah dari yang diharapkan.
Salah satu upaya guru dalam meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika di Sekolah Menengah Pertama adalah dengan membuat pembelajaran matematika menjadi menyenangkan dan mengaitkannya dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Dengan memaksimalkan
penggunaan beberapa alat bantu pengajaran dan alat untuk demonstrasi itu
diharapkan dapat mengurangi kesulitan siswa dalam belajar.


By Marsigit
Reviewed by Khilmi Nur Ma’rifah
Entering the third millennium the Indonesian nation marked by an era of reform in all
areas of life, which is the difficult times as a result of the severe economic crisis.
Phenomenon that emerged from a prolonged crisis shows changes in society
in various aspects of political life, economy, law and education.
Presumably, well enough facts to show that it was Indonesian nation to reexamine the paradigm of development. Education can provides the foundation for the development of the noble values ​​of the legal reform, political, economic, cultural and others. Thus, reforms in education a requirement that can not be bargained. The reform era while providing hope, challenges and opportunities; but various groups are still questioning the expectations, challenges and opportunities to the world what we in education reform. It thus deserves
presumably in realized by all parties who are called to promote education in Indonesia.
In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the demands for reform, the fundamental issues at the macro level of world education emerged surface including the eradication of corruption, quality improvement, decentralization and autonomy of education, legislation, empowerment and
At the macro level, the picture of the education system still shows characteristics of centralism that rigid, with a very strong dominance of bureaucracy, so that at every level of education occurs stagnation or stagnation. Creativity or improvisation towards innovation is very hard to do
national education system because they tend to follow the guidelines from above.
On the micro level, the practice of education in Indonesia is still relying on the teacher's role as a
spearhead the government in implementing policies education. However, the importance the teacher's role has not been matched by an awareness of government to empower them. In position needed but did not note that the majority of our teachers are experiencing stagnation
not able to develop creative teaching because there is no room for it.

Senin, 14 November 2011


By Marsigit
Reviewed by Khilmi Nur Ma’rifah
Realistic Mathematics emphasizes the construction of the context of concrete objects as a starting point for students to acquire mathematical concepts. Concrete objects and environment objects can be used as a context for learning mathematics in building mathematical connections through social interaction. Students should be given opportunities to construct and produce mathematics in a manner and language of their own.
Thus, when students do activities to learn math so in his place matematisasi process. There are two kinds matematisasi, namely: (1) matematisasi horizontal and (2) matematisasi vertical. Matematisasi horizontal proceeds from the real world into mathematical symbols. The process occurs in the student when he was confronted with the problems of life / real situations. While the vertical matematisasi is a process that occurs in the mathematical system itself; for example: the discovery of a matter strategy, linking relationships between mathematical concepts or applying the formula / formulas findings.
We can examine Aircraft Numbers in teaching junior high math in 2 (two) sides of the formal position of Aircraft Numbers in the context of curriculum and syllabus, and a review of substantive numbers broke itself. In the development of curriculum guidelines mentioned in the learning of mathematics that can be started with an introduction to the problems according to the situation (contextual problems). By asking the contextual issues, learners gradually guided to master math concepts.
Competency Standards relating to learning fractions is to enable students to understand the properties of numbers and arithmetic operations use in solving problems. With the principal material in the form of Broken Numbers Integer and it is hoped can be achieved using a 2 (two) of the Basic Competence: Perform arithmetic operations of fractions, and using the properties of fractions arithmetic operation in problem solving.
Development of Realistic Problem Numbers can be associated with fractions and shapes in everyday life, simple fractions, changing fractions with a numerator greater than denominator mixture into fractions, and comparing fractions


By Marsigit
Reviewed by Khilmi Nur Ma’rifah
The results of our study, Marsigit (1996: 123-132) suggests that teachers' opinions and attitudes about learning mathematics practice is varied. Some teachers feel have a pretty strong views about the practice of teaching mathematics, but at the same time, they are forced to realize that the views are different or even contrary to the views of colleagues or the results of a study. Some teachers believe that mathematics is an activity thinking quiet 'silence' in which students are directed to produce their own works; but others argue that mathematics is a communication tool in the learning process so that there is need for discussion. Some feel the need to provide guided strictly mathematical, others argue it is better to give students the chance to get its own concept / structure of mathematics.
Some argue that mathematics is value-free science, others argue that mathematics is a science that is not value free. Some priority to academic achievement while others give priority to the process of achieving it. Some feel that this method of teaching is good enough so it does not need to change, some felt that this method of teaching was not good so it is necessary to study more and then try to change the teaching methods if needed.
Revitalization of mathematics education should depart from the self-reflection and reflection of individual educators factual conditions of practice learning. Reflection thus be useful to know the positive aspects and deficiencies / weaknesses to be used as input to determine the pace or attitude toward a new paradigm in education to then try to implement into real practice.
Revitalization of mathematics education also implies the need to attempt to formulate a mathematical learning model that is considered in accordance with our conditions and in accordance with the demands of changing times. If we accept the premise that mathematics education should place more emphasis on serving the needs of students.