Minggu, 18 September 2011


By Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed by Khilmi Nur Ma’rifah
Students can acquire mathematical concepts through concrete objects and environment objects can be used as a context for learning mathematics in building mathematical connections through social interaction. Concrete objects can support the efforts of students in the mathematic process concrete to the abstract. Students should be given opportunities to construct and produce mathematics in a manner and language of their own. Necessary activities so that the reflection of social activity can occur integration and strengthening of relations between subjects in understanding the structure of mathematics. It is appropriate that disclosed in Sugiman Freudental Hans (2007) mathematics is a human activity (human activities) and must be linked to reality.
There are two kinds mathematic process, namely: math horizontal and vertical. Math horizontal proceeds from the real world into mathematical symbols. While the vertical mathematic is a process that occurs in the system of mathematics itself, for example: the discovery of strategies to solve problems, linking the relationship between mathematical concepts or applying the formula / formulas findings.
Teachers play a role helping students gain ideas about concrete objects and objects surrounding environment that can be used as a context for learning mathematics.
One way that can be done by teachers is through a video tape recorder (VTR) to learn how to:
1. make the preparation process of teaching and learning (PBM) in mathematics at SMP in accordance with the principles of PMRI
2. develop learning resources for teaching and learning process (PBM)
mathematics at SMP in accordance with the principles PMRI
3. develop assessment activities for teaching and learning process (PBM)
mathematics at SMP in accordance with the principles PMRI
4. implement the teaching-learning process (PBM) in mathematics at SMP in accordance with the principles of PMRI
Use of VTR realistic approach to learning mathematics can be
gives the following benefits:
1. Teachers have the opportunity to test the concrete objects and object-
surrounding objects can be used as learning context mathematics in building mathematical connections through social interaction.
2. Teachers have the opportunity to explore and reflect on the concepts
realistic mathematics learning.
3. Teachers have the opportunity to exchange experiences with other teachers
about the development of realistic mathematical learning.
4. Teachers have the opportunity to reflect on the preparation of the learning process teaching (PBM) in junior high school mathematics in accordance with the principles PMRI
5. Teachers have the opportunity to reflect on the development of sources
learning to the learning process (PBM) in mathematics at SMP in accordance with
principles PMRI
6. Teachers have the opportunity to reflect on development activities
assessment for teaching and learning process (PBM) in mathematics at SMP in accordance with principles PMRI

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