Senin, 14 November 2011


By Marsigit
Reviewed by Khilmi Nur Ma’rifah
The results of our study, Marsigit (1996: 123-132) suggests that teachers' opinions and attitudes about learning mathematics practice is varied. Some teachers feel have a pretty strong views about the practice of teaching mathematics, but at the same time, they are forced to realize that the views are different or even contrary to the views of colleagues or the results of a study. Some teachers believe that mathematics is an activity thinking quiet 'silence' in which students are directed to produce their own works; but others argue that mathematics is a communication tool in the learning process so that there is need for discussion. Some feel the need to provide guided strictly mathematical, others argue it is better to give students the chance to get its own concept / structure of mathematics.
Some argue that mathematics is value-free science, others argue that mathematics is a science that is not value free. Some priority to academic achievement while others give priority to the process of achieving it. Some feel that this method of teaching is good enough so it does not need to change, some felt that this method of teaching was not good so it is necessary to study more and then try to change the teaching methods if needed.
Revitalization of mathematics education should depart from the self-reflection and reflection of individual educators factual conditions of practice learning. Reflection thus be useful to know the positive aspects and deficiencies / weaknesses to be used as input to determine the pace or attitude toward a new paradigm in education to then try to implement into real practice.
Revitalization of mathematics education also implies the need to attempt to formulate a mathematical learning model that is considered in accordance with our conditions and in accordance with the demands of changing times. If we accept the premise that mathematics education should place more emphasis on serving the needs of students.

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