Senin, 14 November 2011


By Marsigit
Reviewed by Khilmi Nur Ma’rifah
Realistic Mathematics emphasizes the construction of the context of concrete objects as a starting point for students to acquire mathematical concepts. Concrete objects and environment objects can be used as a context for learning mathematics in building mathematical connections through social interaction. Students should be given opportunities to construct and produce mathematics in a manner and language of their own.
Thus, when students do activities to learn math so in his place matematisasi process. There are two kinds matematisasi, namely: (1) matematisasi horizontal and (2) matematisasi vertical. Matematisasi horizontal proceeds from the real world into mathematical symbols. The process occurs in the student when he was confronted with the problems of life / real situations. While the vertical matematisasi is a process that occurs in the mathematical system itself; for example: the discovery of a matter strategy, linking relationships between mathematical concepts or applying the formula / formulas findings.
We can examine Aircraft Numbers in teaching junior high math in 2 (two) sides of the formal position of Aircraft Numbers in the context of curriculum and syllabus, and a review of substantive numbers broke itself. In the development of curriculum guidelines mentioned in the learning of mathematics that can be started with an introduction to the problems according to the situation (contextual problems). By asking the contextual issues, learners gradually guided to master math concepts.
Competency Standards relating to learning fractions is to enable students to understand the properties of numbers and arithmetic operations use in solving problems. With the principal material in the form of Broken Numbers Integer and it is hoped can be achieved using a 2 (two) of the Basic Competence: Perform arithmetic operations of fractions, and using the properties of fractions arithmetic operation in problem solving.
Development of Realistic Problem Numbers can be associated with fractions and shapes in everyday life, simple fractions, changing fractions with a numerator greater than denominator mixture into fractions, and comparing fractions

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