Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Resume pertemuan 1

Mathematics is the science of existing knowledge and learn from primary school level up to middle school and even through college. Learned the importance of mathematics is that mathematics can be created advanced technologies that are beneficial to human life. Teachers play an important role because through the teacher, students learn math in school with the help of other media.
In learning of mathematics, student and teacher should be an interaction. Interaction can happen with direct interaction, indirect interaction, one way or two ways. It can happen in the class or remote by internet.
The factor influence or affect the teaching learning process:
1.      Educational facilities
2.      Teaching media
3.      Teaching aids
4.      Psychological aspect
5.      Context of teaching learning
6.      Syllabi
7.      Curriculum
8.      Lesson plan
9.      Student worksheet
1.  Assessment
11.  Teaching learning resources
12.  Paradigm from theories
13.  Phyllosophy
14.  Technology
The factor is moving from time to time. It requires a teacher to be more creative and innovative in teaching. Teachers should not only transfer knowledge but also the transfer value.
The method is an effort to implement the plans drawn up in real activities to achieve learning objectives. An approach can be done by various methods. There are various methods include lecture method, expository simulations, demonstrations, discovery, inquiry for questions, discussions, experiments, games, drills, and giving the task
Teaching learning of mathematics split:
1.      Innovative learning
2.      Traditional learning
In innovative learning, teacher can use discussion method or by presentation with power point and explain just a few of material so student can develop their knowledge with their ways. Teacher can use educational facilities, teaching media, teaching aids, and teacher should make syllabi, student worksheet, assessment, teaching learning resources, and lesson plan by their self.
In traditional learning, teacher usually explain all of material in which student only as object, student just listening and they more difficult to develop their knowledge. Teacher usually just use blackboard or whiteboard.
In teaching learning process, we must pay attention the object of content and the frame work or resources. Refference can put from understanding or knowledge of teacher, concrete model, experience or example, research from internet, book, publication, or by logic/young mind. So that all, the world of teaching learning of mathematics is YOUR SELF

            For learning mathematics in schools can be run well, keep in mind the factors that influence it are: educational facilities, teaching media, teaching aids, psychological aspect, the context of teaching learning, syllabi, curriculum, lesson plans, student worksheets, assessment, teaching learning resources, paradigm from theories, phyllosophy, and technology