Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Elegi Permintaan Si Murid Cerdas Kepada Guru Matematika

Thank you to Mr. Marsigit for giving me new knowledge. From this work, I realized that being a teacher of mathematics is not easy. I should be aware that there are a variety of student character and I should be able to facilitate them so that they can understand that mathematics is not just a lesson without meaning, but the math is really on our lives. I as teacher try to give a solution how to respond to student requests.
How to Develop Lesson Plan
Before  starting to teach, I will make lesson plan. It can help in purpose to hold me for teaching learning process. With this lesson plan, I also has a full prepared of their teaching learning process so teaching learning will process smoothly and no difficulties. Student also feel exciting and will not feel bored because the process of teaching learning have been well arranged in the lesson plan, so there are no useless time in the mathematics teaching learning process.
How to Develop Student Worksheet
Student worksheet can develop student’s ideas an author might have for writing, to entertain, to inform, to persuade, to solve problem, and to introduce the student to a new concept they may not have thought about before. To build a student worksheet, I will determine the topic, the aim, the meaning, the tools that student need to do the experiment and ways to do the experiment. Then I will give an example how to fill the worksheet.
How to Develop Student Apperception
Before I starting the lesson, I will ask the student about what student have known related to the topic which will be held on that day. I will help students to understand about the topic. I also pointed out some work in front of the classroom to the students so that students can see there are many ways and points of view to solve the problem. Thus, students can think critically to answer the questions posed teacher or refute material that does not fit with their understanding. So the task of the teachers, I only as a facilitator to provide motivation to learners active and ready to follow the lessons.
How to implement of various teaching methods in learning mathematics
In learning mathematics, I will try to use various teaching methods in order to students will not feel bored. Learning methods can be interpreted as the means used to implement the plans that are constructed in the form of real and practical activities to achieve learning objectives or ways in which teachers in contact with the students during the course of teaching or the way it presents the subject matter made ​​by educators in order to place the learning on students in an effort to achieve goals.
For effective teaching to take place, I have many options when choosing a style by which to teach. When deciding what teaching method to use, I will consider students background knowledge, environment, and learning goals. I aware that students learn in different ways, but almost all children will respond well to praise. I think the solution is learning mathematics needs to more emphasis on student interaction.
How To Motivate Students To Learn Mathematics
I must motivate student who have thought that mathematics is difficult to have interest on mathematics learning. I need to motivate students so that they have spirit to learning math and they will feel happy when learning mathematics. The way I would do is I need to know and understand the characteristics of my students, then before the lesson started I want to give the words that could encourage my students, words of motivation that will make him think that education is important. With intention and a feel of fun to learn math I am sure they will be motivated to learn mathematics and spirit to search knowledge. I will use daily activity on their teaching learning.